Sunset Mindfulness Class

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Name: Sunset Mindfulness Class
Date: June 14, 2023
Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Event Description:

Join Ana Tootle's Empower Hour for a Sunset Mindfulness Class!

The class includes the following schedule:
  1. Meditate and calm the mind – a guided session with soft music and quiet time – 20 minutes
  2. Gratitude – a nice way to end the meditation with a sense of appreciation – 5 minutes
  3. Affirmations – statements and examples with open discussion to get the mind rolling after “listening” to the mind quietly – 20 minutes
  4. Journal – notebooks and pens – to clean the pipes out with no self-judgment – very therapeutic - 15 minutes

The intention is to create life-long habits that are conducive to greater happiness, joy, and empowerment of the self which affects health both mentally and physically.
An Empower Hour is good for the soul no matter what age or stage in life. With a little guidance, no judgment, and a sprinkle of love we can all flourish and support each other to raise the vibration of the planet. Everybody wins when we all strive to be more elevated.

Ana Tootle CEO & Founder Feel Good Foods, Inc. dba Elevated 
Instagram: @anatootle

Key Space (in Ocean Club)
Contact Information:
Michelle Barnett 305-793-8025
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