Join the Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department for the Crandon Park 75th Jubilee Celebration for a two-day eco-festival/ This event will highlight the Parks’ involvement in creating a sustainable and resilient future.
Nature enthusiasts will enjoy a day out with family and friends and see a historic Miami-Dade County landmark. The jubilee commemorates Miami-Dade County’s Crandon Park’s 75 years of serving the community’s 2.8 million residents. Crandon Park is a Miami-Dade County Heritage Park that represents the ecological history of the county. Enjoy a host of fun and engaging, eco-focused recreation activities led by Miami-Dade Parks and partners.
Activities include:
- A beach clean-up on Saturday morning
- Walking tours of Crandon Gardens
- Music performances
- A beer and wine garden
- Food for purchase
- A vendors’ market
- A fun zone with a variety of games
- Outdoor eco-inspired art installations
- Educational displays and demonstrations
Guests will also have the option to participate in a variety of expert-led interactive workshops, free of charge. Workshop sessions will include:
- Fruit & Spice Park - Flower to Fruit
- Fairchild Gardens’ Million Orchid Project - Native Orchid Planting
- UF/IFAS – Rain Barrel/Water Conservation
- UF/IFAS – Water Conservation Workshop
- Sketch it Studio - Sketching Botanicals with Mixed Media