Community Meeting: Paradise Park Environmental Remediation

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Name: Community Meeting: Paradise Park Environmental Remediation
Date: November 16, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EST
Event Description:

Join Village of Key Biscayne staff and The Goldstein Environmental Law Firm for a community meeting to learn how the Village has worked to ensure that Paradise Park, located at 530 Crandon Blvd, which was previously a gas station, is safe for public use as a community park.

This meeting will provide insight into what was done to remediate the site and how the Village is seeking reimbursement from the State for increasing environmentally friendly green spaces.
Council Chamber (560 Crandon Blvd)

Zoom & VKB TV:
Zoom Meeting ID: 231 627 8415. There is no passcode for this meeting. Dial in using the Zoom telephone numbers: +1 301 715 8592; +1 312 626 6799; or +1 929 205 6099 (any of the three numbers will work) followed by the Zoom meeting ID: 231 627 8415.

Watch live on VKB TV (Comcast 77 / AT&T 99).
Contact Information:
For more information, contact the Office of the Village Clerk at (305) 365-5506.
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