Act4Me 18 Holes 1 Cause Annual Charity Golf Tournament

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Name: Act4Me 18 Holes 1 Cause Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Date: November 4, 2022
Time: 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM EDT
Event Description:

This event helps benefit many kids with special need, as all of the donations collected are used towards them. About 20 families will be able to provide much needed therapy to their children for one year because of generosity from all those attending this great event, sponsors and supporters.

Prizes: for Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive and Most Accurate or Straightest Drive Hole in One Wins $30,000
Crandon Golf at Key Biscayne
Date/Time Information:
Registration: 7:30 AM sharp
Shotgun 8:30 AM
Awards and Lunch Reception Post Tournament
Contact Information:
Tickets range from $350 - $1,300 Tournament Fee Includes: Complimentary Liquor On Course | Green Fee | Cart | Goodie Bags | Prices and Contests | Awards and Lunch Reception After Tournament
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